Jose L. Ramos Serrano
I am passionate about computer graphics.
For as long as I can remember, I have been using the computer to create things. And I loved sharing those things with other people.
Being a kid I was lucky to be introduced to my first 3D animation software, 3D Studio 3 for MS-DOS. I spent hours and hours with it. I am still thrilled by the fact that passion turned out to be my profession.
I started as a freelancer creating motion graphics for Broadcast TV. I realized very early that 3D animation and digital composition software go hand in hand. I learned a lot during this period of my career, the most important thing being to work with others.
After half a decade as a freelancer I started working at Ilion Animation Studios. I was the first person in the lighting department, working closely with the director. This is a very special time on my life, where I made a lot of good friends who taught me many of the things I know. After working at Ilion for seven years as a Lighting Lead, I moved to California to work at Pixar.
Working in Pixar is a dream come true for me. I feel like I have learnt from the Directors of Photography of this company what it means to support the story telling with light and color. Brave, Inside Out, Coco and Soul won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature. I was personally nominated by the Visual Effect Society in the category of Outstanding Environment for the films Inside Out, Cars3 and Lightyear.
In 2023 I had the great honor of being the recipient of the Pixar Hero Award for my contribution as a Principal Artist.